Friday, October 12, 2007

Its been a long time but I am fed %^up with the gover$nment

Yes, there are extra bits in my title but that is for paranoia's sake. I am sike and fucking tired of our government refusing to operate on rational terms. In specific, lets talk about Russia, and Iran for that matter. Why the fuck are talks of nuclear detterant and twenty-year old treaties coming in to play??? Seriously? Did we not all go through the cold war just to be remided of it again by a pair of inept, troglodyte politicians? Bush V. Putin. Putin V. Bush? Fuck me, this really sounds like a bad idea. God knows that our number one can't talk himself out of a bag and we have Putin, a motherfucking ex-(if you think that)KGB whore laying waste to what shaky 'friendship' the two nations had to ruins. For Christ's sake, either some one bomb some one else and get this lame ass, sub-intelligent dance to end. Or... Better yet, lets wait for a new election and if the new chief is not up to snuff, fucking off his ass and start again until we get it right. As much politics and rhetoric that goes into the international circuit, why don't we turn a bit of that atention inwards and fix our own fucking problems.

George Bush -- Get off your fucking High Horse and be a god damn lame duck president and wait for the day you get to grow old and survey your mess. Ass.

Vladimir Putin -- Really? Stop sending your subs to the arctic, stop pushing our borders with your pre-perestroika hardware. Get off it and really do something with the power you have taken. Ass.

The rest of the world -- Do nothing. Its the easiest thing, you know it is. You are all one big bag of ass.

Fuck this, Im moving to Detroit.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Some random thoughts

1. As cool as the new Airbus A380 is (the massive new plane the euros made), it fucking looks like it has Downs syndrome. I mean seriously, look at the forehead on that thing.

2. I hate Janice. The new sopranos episode aired last night and it had been awhile since I had seen any and sure as shit, Janice is still annoying as all hell. Seriously, someone should just set her down at a trough of food to shut her fat ass up.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

If you know who the hell this is let me know, I am drawingn a blank

Who is this guy and where has he gone??? He looks like a good person to know.

Friday, January 12, 2007

An ode to my dumbass roomate

I love you Brian.

The top 5 days of 2006, in my opinion

OK, here is another pointless list but these are the top 5 days of 2006 to me (as far as things I was involved in) in no particular order.

Fourth of July at Center Hill
Sorry Tom, I know it sucked for you but that unfortunate event left me and 2 of my best friends with all of your beer in my boat just floating, drinking, and not having a care in the world. Good comapny, good weather, good laoction.

Move in/Around the World Party
I thnk this one is a mixed blessing because now it seems as if I am running a half assed sort of hotel/brothel/bar/flop house. All in all its a good thing, I dont mind the open door policy but hell, that was a good party, except for me passing out naked in my bathroom and being filmed. Eh, no shame in my game.

UT v. Florida out in Knoxville
I love a good college football game and there is no better way to do it than just pick up and go on a whim with two buddies and go join 300,000 other drunken fools and party down. I still think that I could have gotten in to the bar by climbing the roof, I really could have.

Honky Tonkin when Big John was in town the first time
That was a good time. Ill leave it at that, a damn good time

Probably the best day ever, leaving Dallas.
Thank God I left Dallas, I hate Texas and love Nashville. Thank you all for taking me in and making this my best home yet.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Me and a Random Black guy and Greg sort of getting head

Monday, December 18, 2006

Why I hate the holdays, part two.

Seriously, Im supposed to fly to NYC tomorrow morning to meet my folks up there for xmas and the only thing I can think of is staying in bed until four and forgetting about all of it. I don't know if they would disown me for that and part of me dosen't care one bit. I know that regardless of what the flying situation may be, I am going to catch hell one way or another. They say they understand that I am going to want to go off and do my own things but I know as soon as I do that they will give me shit for it. The more and more I talk to them the more I don't want to go up there or even hear their voices. This is going to be a long and painful 7 days for all parties involved.