Friday, October 12, 2007

Its been a long time but I am fed %^up with the gover$nment

Yes, there are extra bits in my title but that is for paranoia's sake. I am sike and fucking tired of our government refusing to operate on rational terms. In specific, lets talk about Russia, and Iran for that matter. Why the fuck are talks of nuclear detterant and twenty-year old treaties coming in to play??? Seriously? Did we not all go through the cold war just to be remided of it again by a pair of inept, troglodyte politicians? Bush V. Putin. Putin V. Bush? Fuck me, this really sounds like a bad idea. God knows that our number one can't talk himself out of a bag and we have Putin, a motherfucking ex-(if you think that)KGB whore laying waste to what shaky 'friendship' the two nations had to ruins. For Christ's sake, either some one bomb some one else and get this lame ass, sub-intelligent dance to end. Or... Better yet, lets wait for a new election and if the new chief is not up to snuff, fucking off his ass and start again until we get it right. As much politics and rhetoric that goes into the international circuit, why don't we turn a bit of that atention inwards and fix our own fucking problems.

George Bush -- Get off your fucking High Horse and be a god damn lame duck president and wait for the day you get to grow old and survey your mess. Ass.

Vladimir Putin -- Really? Stop sending your subs to the arctic, stop pushing our borders with your pre-perestroika hardware. Get off it and really do something with the power you have taken. Ass.

The rest of the world -- Do nothing. Its the easiest thing, you know it is. You are all one big bag of ass.

Fuck this, Im moving to Detroit.


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